GRET designs and implements field projects
It provides the technical, methodological and management support necessary for successful roll-out of its projects, and shares its know-how.
GRET’s teams design and implement projects in the field and share their know-how and expertise. They engage in partnerships and facilitate networks at local, national and international level. They produce and publish knowledge generated by their experience in the field missions.
GRET designs and implements field projects
It provides the technical, methodological and management support necessary for successful roll-out of its projects, and shares its know-how.
GRET conducts studies
It conducts and shares studies based essentially on the results of applied research and experiences, and on excellent knowledge of the field.
GRET facilitates networks and defends ideas
It facilitates collectives locally, nationally and internationally, speaks in international forums and advocates actively for fair, sustainable development
GRET produces and distributes publications
Drawing on its practices, it produces and disseminates knowledge, know-how and methods that are tested, evaluated and improved in the field.
Le Gret adopte une approche globale du développement à travers 8 thématiques d’expertise qui, ensemble, contribuent à lutter contre la pauvreté et les inégalités dans le monde :
All of the population and users in a territory or a neighbourhood, even precarious neighbourhoods, have the right to live in a safe, dignified environment with access to services, and the right to participate in shaping and managing the city. Rapid urbanisation, current climate upheavals and unsustainable development models are compromising this right. In this context, GRET is working for fair, citizen-centric urban development with a responsible approach to local resources. It is supporting civil society organisations and local authorities to develop policies and projects geared towards reducing inequalities and vulnerabilities.
See projectsThe successful integration of citizens, especially young people, in the labour market contributes to countries’ development. Through its actions, GRET is supporting career guidance, training and professional integration systems, favouring entrepreneurship and considering environmental, climate and citizen dimensions. GRET is contributing to facilitation of fair access for men and women to decent, sustainable work that is in line with local social and economic realities. By strengthening their skills, it is also enabling them to become active stakeholders in change.
See projectsSupport for family farming and local small & medium business is necessary for the sustainable development of agriculture, agrifood value chains and food security. To contribute to this, GRET implements development projects, conducts studies, capitalisations and training courses, and contributes to the development of public policies. Its actions include support for fair remuneration of farmers and agrifood processing stakeholders, agroecological transition, quality products supply for national and regional markets, and growth of territorial food systems. GRET also focuses on strengthening collective structures, on empowerment of women and young people, and on their participation in decision-making.
See projectsApart from the conventional financial framework, finance, and more broadly inclusive economies, enable access to essential services, representing a significant economic and social challenge for developing countries. This is why GRET’s initiatives favour entrepreneurship, and more globally the development of the economy in its social and solidarity dimensions. It conducts field projects to strengthen and support financial institutions so that they can best respond to the needs of small and medium businesses. GRET also uses financing as a tool to serve the development of other sectors, and focuses its innovative actions around rural and agricultural finance, entrepreneurship by young people, support for micro-businesses, access to water and sanitation, and the green economy.
See projectsLand tenure is defined as the governance of access, use and control of land. It translates relationships between people vis-a-vis land and is related to issues around food security, sustainable management of natural resources, citizen participation, social cohesion and economic development. Through its activities, GRET contributes to ensuring recognition of the multiplicity of rights to and uses of land and resources in territories. It seeks to promote local systems for management of land and natural resources, drawing on inclusive, decentralised local governance forums.
See projectsWater, electricity, sanitation and waste management services are fundamental to respond to our essential needs. GRET works to promote universal fair access to quality essential services, with respect for the environment. Its actions are conducted in partnership with local authorities, the private sector, users and citizens with a view to collective, sustainable and inclusive management of these services.
See projectsHumanity depends directly on natural resources for its livelihood and is therefore directly affected by environmental degradation. This is why GRET encourages the participation of local populations in maintenance or restoration of ecosystems, for inclusive, concerted management of territories. These actions contribute to the fight against climate change and preservation of biodiversity.
See projectsContributing to the wellbeing of all people at every age and improving nutrition for the most vulnerable requires strengthening access to safe, nutritious food and to quality healthcare. To reach these objectives, GRET works to improve the diets of the most vulnerable people, as well as their healthcare knowledge and practices, with a strong focus on women and children under the age of five. It also strengthens healthcare and social protection systems.
See projectsA travers ses initiatives, le Gret travaille sur 4 grands axes transversaux qui participent à la lutte contre la pauvreté et les inégalités dans le monde : les jeunesses, le climat, le genre, les communs.
Fair climate transitions adapted to each context
GRET is proactively engaged in the fight against climate change. Its action is organised around two objectives: support fair climate transitions connected to citizens with its local partners; and minimize its own impacts. In the field, its actions are aimed at promoting low-carbon, resilient development trajectories, combining environmental conservation and the fight against poverty and inequalities, taking the specificities of each context into account.
Read more: From global to local: GRET’s new climate strategy
Working in Common
Since 2019, GRET has been conducting an action-research programme on the commons with fifteen projects supporting shared governance of territories, essential services and natural resources. The objective is to test alternatives to current modes of governance in order to propose better solutions to address the challenges of social justice and ecological transition.
Discover GRET’s Working in common program
More equal gender relations
The inclusion of gender dynamics and the fight against gender inequalities are part of GRET’s principles of action. The organisation set itself the objective of treating the issue of gender transversally, in all its projects. To do this, GRET is acquiring operational tools and regularly trains its teams on the gender-based approach in order to design and conduct actions so that gender roles and relations can evolve towards greater equality.
Read more: Women and work: “gender equality benefits everyone”
Young people as active stakeholders in their development
Young people do not have equal, easy access to attributes and resources giving them a role, a place and skills that are valorised in their social environment. Through its actions, GRET is strengthening young people’s individual and collective power to act, so that they can become active stakeholders in their own development and that of their territories. It is developing an integral approach, taking into account all dimensions of integration: social and civic, environmental and climatic.
Read more: Young people as stakeholders in the future by Camille Paquet, Youth training and integration programme manager at GRET