Protected Geographical Indications in Cambodia : Outcome and prospects of the pilot project on protected geographical indications in Cambodia

Protected Geographical Indications in Cambodia : Outcome and prospects of the pilot project on protected geographical indications in Cambodia

  • Études et rapports
  • Éditeur : Ministry of Commerce; Ministry of Agriculture, Forestries and Fishery; AFD; Cird; Gret; Cedac
  • Langue : Anglais
  • Année : 2010
  • 12 p.

  • Télécharger

On April 2, 2010, Kampot pepper and Kampong Speu palm sugar were the first two protected geographical indications to be officially registered by the Cambodian Ministry of Commerce. This stage, made possible by the elaboration of the national regulatory framework on GI protection, was the culmination of a long process of mobilizing and organizing those who produce and market these two products, forming interprofessional organizations, elaborating books of specifications and control tools, and testing their implementation.