20 October 2020
Nutrition and health Emergency Food safety Health Senegal

Supporting livestock farmers faced with the economic impacts of Covid-19 in northern Senegal


In the Dagana region in northern Senegal, livestock farmers were particularly affected by the Covid 19 crisis and by the measures implemented to contain the epidemic. Travel restrictions and market closures prevented the sale of  cattle and food shopping, impacting the already fragile income of some families, as well as their living conditions. Hygiene equipment such as masks and hydro alcoholic gel are still out of stock in this region.

Given this alarming observation and thanks to support from the Compagnie fruitière endowment fund, GRET is providing material support to families badly affected by these difficulties. 14.5 tons of staple foodstuffs and 12 tons of cattle produced locally were distributed to 100 families since 14 September, in addition to specific hygiene products to fight against the spread of the illness.

This support was provided as part of the Asstel project, initiated by GRET in 2012 together with the Association for the promotion of livestock farming in the Sahel and Savanna environments (Apess),  ARD in Saint- Louis, the dairy producers’ cooperative (CPLD) and the Dagana regional council, aiming to improve income and living conditions of livestock farming families. This project has a particular focus on increasing dairy production, structuring the local value chain, developing new economic activities such as market gardening, and implementing literacy classes for women and young people in particular.

Watch the capitalisation videos produced as part of the Asstel project (in French):

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