Strengthening the economic resilience and sustainability of agrifood systems for populations affected by the security crisis in Tuy province
Field project

Strengthening of food systems and forests is necessary to address the consequences of the security crisis affecting populations in Tuy province and other territories in the Ouagadougou–Koudougou–Dédougou–Bobo-Dioulasso (OKDB) triangle. It is also necessary in order to tackle the consequences of climate change.

By helping to develop several agro-silvo-pastoral value chains via agroecology and upscaling of previously tested practices and techniques, the OKDB Tuy project makes it possible to support this offer, while ensuring sustainable conservation of natural resources. It is also generating decent jobs, with particular emphasis on vulnerable people such as women, young people and internally displaced persons.

Farms, together with micro-, small-, and medium-sized businesses, are the main focus of the project. The choice of high-potential value chains is systematically adapted to the agroecological contexts and it targets the territorialisation of food systems. Support for local agro-silvo-pastoral value chains can be a driving force in the growth of integrated production systems.

The project is being implemented by GRET’s teams in partnership with those of the Albert Schweitzer Ecological Centre in Burkina Faso, the Catholic organisation for development and solidarity in Dédougou, and the Cooperative for the provision of agricultural services – COPSA-C.

Project objectives and expected results

Overall objective: Strengthen the resilience of populations affected by socio-political, security and food crises in Burkina Faso.

Specific objectives:
  • Strengthen the performance and economic, social, and environmental sustainability of agrifood systems.
  • Improve sustainable management of community forests.
  • Strengthen social cohesion in the province.
Expected results
  • Rural and peri-urban farms’ incomes increase.
  • Agroecological practices are promoted and appropriated by farmers.
  • Cities have a durable supply of healthy, sustainable products.
  • Natural ecosystems are used in a participative and sustainable manner via the implementation and strengthening of management systems.
  • Community forests are sustainably conserved and rehabilitated.
  • Social cohesion is strengthened.
Key project figures

Structures concerned: 700 family farms; 100 village cooperatives; 7 communal farmers’ organisations; 1 provincial union; 120 micro-, small- and medium-sized businesses; 21 management committees; 7,000 internally displaced persons; 7 local authorities; decentralised technical services.

Who benefits from the project?  The population in 7 communes in Tuy province, i.e. a total of 329,253 people.


Ongoing project
Start date 01/11/2023 end date 31/10/2027
Budget : 4 031 579 €
Project partners