10 March 2020
Local essential services Waste management Madagascar

Waste management, the dynamic launched in malagasy cities


On 18 and 19 November last, GRET, Malagasy NGO Ran’Eau and the French Embassy in Madagascar co-organised a workshop entitled “Waste: which solutions for our Malagasy cities?”. Organised at the Institut Français in Madagascar, this workshop brought together professionals and institutional parties from the development sector, as well as an audience of school students to talk about reduction and treatment of urban waste in Madagascar.

The objectives of the workshop were to make “waste” stakeholders active in Madagascar known, to facilitate sharing of experience and initiate consultation and pooling of stakeholders in the sector. Over 300 participants from 200 structures (ministries, agencies, communes, operators, NGOs…), were in attendance and several sessions open to school students made it possible to raise awareness among 800 children.

Elected representatives from 15 communes actively participated and engaged in peer discussions during a round table dedicated to municipal management of waste, in the presence of the Ministry of the Interior and Decentralisation.

Two main conclusions emerged from the discussions and exchanges at this workshop:

  • The priority of working on the regulatory framework, in particular to clarify all existing texts and identify what is missing and the impacts of these on all stakeholders involved in waste management in Madagascar.
  • The need to strengthen structuring and coordination of stakeholders in the sector at local and national level.

The workshop gave rise to the consolidation of a map of stakeholders working in the area of waste and a film retracing discussions at the event:

This workshop benefitted from the support of financial partners such as the French Embassy, The Korean Embassy, GIZ, AFD, the EU, JICA, WHH, the World Bank and the Telma Foundation, as well as from the institutional partnership of the Ministry of Energy, water and Hydrocarbons, the Ministry of Housing Development and Public Works and the Ministry of the Interior and Decentralisation.

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