27 June 2018
Employment and professional integration Formation professionnelle Training and professional integration Senegal

The para-agricultural sector, a source of employment for young people in Senegal


The project on vocational qualifications for young people (Qualemploi) officially started its training activities in April, with an opening workshop chaired by the Prefect of the Kolda department in the south of Senegal.

This new project, implemented by GRET, Enda Graf sahel (in French) and NGO Foddé (in French) as part of a partnership with Luxdev and funded by the European Union, will last three years. It is being conducted in the Kolda region and in the commune of Diannah Malary (in the Sédihou region). Qualemploi aims to train 600 young people and strengthen the capacities of 120 master artisans in four strong professions in the para-agricultural sector.

Over 70 people participated in the opening workshop – including the inspector of the Kolda region academy, the department’s inspector of education and training, and the general secretary of the chamber of professions. This meeting made it possible to recall the project objectives and the two-fold training system being proposed, to present the list of master artisans, selected resource centres and young apprentices who will begin their training shortly.

The event was also an opportunity to sign 34 initial three-party agreements committing Qualemploi, the selected master artisans and the Kolda chamber of professions to support each apprentice. The workshop also made it possible to identify the days on which the master artisans and apprentices can be mobilised. These indications will make it possible to draw up an initial calendar for training of apprentices and strengthening of master artisans’ capacities over the next three months.

This article was produced with financial support from the European Union. Its content falls under the sole responsibility of GRET and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the European Union.


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