30 August 2019
Local essential services Sanitation Burkina Faso

Structuring of the sanitation market in Burkina Faso


The Ohangu project, funded by Agence française de développement (AFD) for five years, was launched in Burkina Faso last April. It aims to sustainably improve living conditions for populations in 32 communes located in the Eastern Region, the Mouhoun Loop and the Hauts Bassins Region. In line with the Sustainable development goals, this project is seeking to improve access to basic sanitation and hygiene services, by scaling the market approach tested as part of the Sanya Kagni project.

An assessment of the current situation began in May 2019, with a view to conducting a diagnosis of populations’ practices and expectations, and the available sanitation offer. Ultimately, the objective is to design the social marketing and communication strategies at the core of the project. An institutional diagnosis will complement this assessment, in order to provide optimum support to public authorities regarding appropriation of methodologies for structuring the sanitation market.

On completion of this assessment next September, the project team will refine strategies for the implementation of activities to achieve the project results: structuring of a sanitation market with 60 certified entrepreneurs, whose objective will be to sell 30,200 latrines by the end of the project, with a mechanism for certification and management of a grants fund that will be transferred to public stakeholders.

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