20 October 2020
Local essential services Sanitation Social marketing

Senegal – Developing sanitation in secondary cities with the local private sector


In Senegal, secondary cities are experiencing substantial demographic and urban growth, together with rapidly changing ways of life. According to the National statistics and demography agency, these cities will see their populations grow by 39.1 % between 2020 and 2030.

In this evolutive context, drawing on its experience in sanitation, GRET replied to a tender for a feasibility study commissioned by the Global Green Growth Institute, aimed at understanding supply, demand and market environment for autonomous sanitation in three average-sized Senegalese cities: Kaolack, Tambacounda and Tivaouane. This study should determine investment requirements, and financial and non-financial measures to support and manage the sector. In addition, GRET and its Senegalese partners Delvic Sanitation Initiatives and IP-3 Conseil will have to develop an economic model aiming to maximise private sector investments, through to concession arrangements, and ensure positive environmental impacts taking a circular economy approach.

With regard to waste water management in urban areas, autonomous sanitation and sludge management value chains today are considered as the least expensive options for public finances and the best suited to urban contexts that are not fully consolidated (lack of road surfacing, poor rainwater evacuation and solid waste management systems). These solutions are therefore prioritised because they are most likely to enable universal access to safely managed liquid sanitation services as advocated in the sixth Sustainable development goal.

Lastly, recommendations will be made with a view to the National sanitation agency (ONAS), decentralised State services and local authorities strengthening the capacities of their staff to regulate the sector and support private operators to achieve quality and sustainability indicators.

More information on GRET’s activities in Senegal

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