Persistence and change in Hakha Chin land and resource tenure: A study on land dynamics in the periphery of Hakha

Persistence and change in Hakha Chin land and resource tenure: A study on land dynamics in the periphery of Hakha

Land TenureMyanmar
  • M. Boutry, C. Allaverdian, Tin Myo Win, Khin Pyae Sone
  • Books
  • Publisher : GRET
  • Language : English, Burmese
  • Year : 2018
  • 156 p.
  • Of Lives and Land Myanmar research series
  • ISBN : 978–2–86844–322–9

  • Download

The research provides a holistic overview of the key changes that affected Northern Chin society from pre-colonial times up to now in villages close to Hakha town where State penetration was stronger than in more remote
areas. The study sheds light on the overlapping and evolving statutory and customary land systems and on the issues faced by contemporary Chin communities as they seek to govern land and natural resources.

The Of Lives and Land series emanates from in-depth socio-anthropological research on land and livelihood dynamics. Through various thematic and geographic foci, the series provides a rigorous analysis of people’s relationship to land in a rapidly changing social, economic and political context. It looks into the challenges that Myanmar people, the State and other stakeholders are facing in managing land and associated resources. Drawing from on-the-ground realities, it aims at informing policy dialogue. The series is peer reviewed by a committee of professionals and academics.