Sustainable Solid waste management in Vinh Phuk Province
Field project

The accelerated growth of towns and rural towns as well as land pressure make the problem of waste management complex. This project aims to offer adapted and sustainable solutions for optimized, professional and environmentally friendly waste management services in 30 rural towns in the Province of Vinh Phuk through three objectives:

  • Reduce landfill saturation and negative impacts on the processing environment through i) tested and reliable upgrading facilities and processes, ii) better monitoring of the province;
  • Strengthen the capacities of cooperatives to provide a professional and optimized collection service through i) the establishment of an equipment fund, ii) a training strategy and on technical and financial management, iii) promotion of these services to households to ensure their sustainability and visibility
  • Produce references and promote dialogue on the issue of waste management in semi-urban areas through i) the creation of a network of cooperatives, ii) enhanced dialogue between stakeholders;

This project is implemented by GRET and its partners, the Alliance of Cooperatives, the Song Hong Center, the Institute for Water and the Environment, in close collaboration with the Environmental Protection Sub-Department of Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and provincial and local authorities.

Project news:

The expected results are as follows:

  • Upgrading arrangements and processes are tested in 5 pilot sites;
  • Monitoring of both management and environmental impacts is improved at the provincial level and local popular committees, SDPE agents are trained and supported;
  • The cooperatives and collection operators in 30 localities (100,000 people) provide professional service; more than 350 collectors (86% women) benefit from training and improved working conditions.
  • People are encouraged to subscribe and pay service fees; more than 120,000 people are made aware of good waste management practices;
  • Dialogue between stakeholders is strengthened, a network of cooperatives is created, tools are produced and disseminated;
Project completed
Start date 01/03/2016 end date 28/02/2019
Budget : 1 035 200 €