The project supports the implementation or consolidation of geographical indications (GIs) for 8 products in South-East Asia in order to ensure that their taste specificities are recognised, while also highlighting the terroirs they come from and the ways in which they are produced.
This work on defining qualities is made possible through structuring of the value chain, which favours marketing of these products in high-end outlets generating more income for producers, thanks to enhanced quality control and traceability.
The project is supporting the Departments of Intellectual Property in Cambodia and Laos with the GI management and protection system.
The 8 value chains selected are: Paw San rice from Shwe Bo (Myanmar), Khao Kai Noi rice from Xiengkhouang, Khao Kai Noi rice from Houaphan, Komaen tea (Laos), sea salt from Kampot and Kep, palm sugar from Kampong Speu, Kampot pepper, and wild honey from Mondulkiri (Cambodia).
Photo credit: © AFD