Enhancing climate change adaptation and mitigation capacities of vulnerable communities in eco-villages of different ecosystems of the Uluguru Mountains

– The overall objective is to strengthen the resilience of the most vulnerable communities in the highlands of Tanzania to climate change through innovative and sustainable community initiatives. The specific objectives aim to increase resilience and adaptation to climate change and mitigation capacity through a range of multidisciplinary and integrated activities in 7 eco-villages within the different agro-ecosystems of the mountainous area of Uluguru.

-The main results of the project are:
(1) The production systems are sustainable, adapted to climate change and generate higher incomes for the population of the 7 villages, including women.
(2) Communities are structured and organized to ensure sustainable, equitable use of natural resources.
(3) Local actors supervise and control the management of these resources.
(4) Lessons learned on innovative approaches tested are shared with other highland communities and help to enrich Tanzania’s climate change adaptation policy.

Expected results:

– Participate in the meetings of the Project Coordination Committee
– Carry out technical support missions.
– Provide technical support through missions in the following areas: natural resource management, family farming, the impact of agreements on climate change and international policies, local governance.

Project completed
Start date 07/10/2011 end date 06/04/2014
Budget : 722 000 €