Mekong Tea Project
Strengthening the tea value chain in Lao PDR

The Mekong Tea project in a nutshell

Northern Laos is part of the endemic tea zone. Boosting agriculture and reducing poverty in this area have been long-term policy priorities. To this day, the Lao tea market still depends on just a small number of countries for export. In addition, the main players have developed the tea sector while leaving little added value to Lao producers.

Recognising the potential of structuring the Lao tea sector for new market opportunities, Gret has adopted a multi-stakeholder value chain approach. It has supported the collaboration and networking of tea stakeholders and strengthened the capacities of tea farmers’ organisations. With AVSF and Lao Consulting Group, Gret is supporting the Lao Department of Agriculture (DoA) in enhancing the tea value chain.

Improved quality opens up new markets

Certifications make it possible to reach new markets and ensure a fairer and more stable income for producers. GRET works with farmers’ organisations to improve tea quality and secure long-term contracts.

In Bokeo province, the project supports the Meung Tea Producers’ Cooperative in its work to prepare for and renew its European Union Organic and Fair Trade (SPP) certifications, both obtained in 2023. These certifications have opened up new markets for the Cooperative, which signed its first contract with the Ethiquable company in 2023. Capacity-building on business procedures and governance is also essential for building strong and lasting structures. Training and field visits are encouraged to enhance peer learning and cooperation between tea farmers nationwide. Market analysis and value chain surveys support the development of a marketing strategy on the international and national markets.

In order to make tea production and processing sustainable, encouraging the adoption of agroecological practices in tea gardens is GRET’s priority.

Structuring of the tea value chain at national level

GRET is supporting the emergence and the dynamism of the Lao tea network by engaging tea stakeholders in information-sharing and collective action. It is building on complementarities to organise activities and workshops on thematic issues, at regional and national level.

Consultations on the preparation of a national tea strategy for the Lao tea sector has helped shape a common vision and provide guidance for its stakeholders.

Consultations also launched the process toward the set-up of a Lao Tea Learning Alliance, an inter-professional body to facilitate knowledge-sharing and coordination among tea stakeholders.

Annual International Tea Day fairs are organized in Laos as part of the project, bringing together over 5,000 participants and raising awareness of the diversity and quality of Laotian teas among the general public and connoisseurs alike.

Project completed
Start date 08/08/2019 end date 30/04/2023
Budget : 1 500 000 €
Project partners