08 February 2018
Employment and professional integration Agricultural sectors Formation professionnelle Training and professional integration Guinea

3 questions to Kerfalla Camara, director of the Guinean centre for entrepreneurs


The Böra Maalé Fanyi rice, supported by GRET and the Guinean centre for entrepreneurs (MGE), one of GRET’s close partners in Guinea, was centre stage at the recent International agriculture and animal resources trade fair, which took place at the end of 2017 in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. Kerfalla Camara, director of MGE, talks to us about his participation in this event.

What is the objective of this trade fair?

The International agriculture and animal resources trade fair aims to raise greater awareness on Africa’s potentialities and the diversity of its agricultural products. Its goal is to support the emergence of reliable economic stakeholders focusing on the development of markets for better promotion of quality local products, and to create synergies between all these initiatives. In all, the 2017 edition brought together 718 guests (farmers, farmers’ and professional organisations, small businesses and also support structures and representatives from the various governments) from 17 African countries.

What importance was attributed to Guinean products during this event?

Ten Guinean products were exhibited on the Guinea stand. Among these, the Böra Maalé Fanyi parboiled mangrove rice, backed by the Böra Maalé network and supported by GRET and MGE since 2013; there was also the Ziama Macenta coffee, which takes its name from its geographic origin, supported by MGE. There were also fruit and vegetables, honey, fonio, solar salt, soap, etc. All these products underwent a strict selection process by the Guinean ministry of Agriculture, based on criteria of quality and pre-existing recognition. The National Director of Agriculture and MGE were also invited to participate in conferences to discuss agricultural policies and innovations to draw optimum value from local products. I gave a presentation on actions conducted with a view to labelling of mangrove rice and coffee in Guinea, and on the results already obtained for their marketing.

What is your assessment of your participation in this trade show?

The Guinea stand met with great success, both in terms of promotion of our products and exchanges with visitors (private stakeholders, State structures, international organisations, etc.). It was visited by 325 people and institutions, who were attracted by the quality and originality of the products exhibited! All the products were sold, and two private promoters expressed interest in developing sales of the Böra Maalé Fanyi rice in Côte d’Ivoire.

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