As part of the project to support strengthening of vulnerable young people’s employability and professional integration in Pointe-Noire in the Republic of Congo, 145 young people in vulnerable situations have just finished their qualifying modular training course, focused on skills development in sewing, mechanics, air conditioning, hairdressing and catering. These young people from the Tié-Tié 3rd district of Pointe-Noire benefitted from short work-linked training, consisting of four months of qualifying technical apprenticeship training in training centres and a one-month internship in a company.

To mark the end of these young people’s training and their entry into the world of work, GRET and its partner GIAC (Congo Interprofessional artisans’ group) organised a ceremony to present end-of-training certificates to the students, in the presence of the project’s social and institutional partners, under the authority of the mayor of the Tié-Tié 3rd district.
This event brought together 160 participants, ranging from training centre teams to managers from the Departmental Directorate of Social Affairs, as well as students’ parents, representatives from the Tié-Tié local authority, civil society organisations working in training and professional integration in Pointe-Noire, members of the integration thematic group, members of the GIAC office, the Don Bosco career guidance and professional integration office, and young people.
Various workshops organised with the project partners made it possible to co-construct and produce a guidebook on welcoming, listening to and guiding people in vulnerable situations. This guidebook, intended for use by social stakeholders, proposes various approaches to support young people in difficulty, basing career guidance and training on listening to and understanding the aspirations of each individual.
The Parein project is funded by the Belgian Development Agency and led by GRET and Giac, in collaboration with Vet Toolbox.