Does ecological transition offer a potential source of jobs for young people

Does ecological transition offer a potential source of jobs for young people

  • Pierre Soulier
  • Summary notes
  • Editor : Gret
  • Language : English, French
  • Year : 2021
  • 8 p.
  • Note de synthèse CP Jade, n° 1

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GRET and its partners are exploring new dimensions of youth integration through the JADE Program – Young People as Stakeholders in the world of tomorrow– financed by the French Development Agency (AFD). The aim of this program is to design and experiment with relevant and innovative ways of supporting young people in their integral integration, i.e. not only economically and professionally, but also socially and civically, environmentally and climatically.

In this context, GRET and its partners are carrying out a strategic reflection based on their experience in the field, as well as on advances in research in these fields. These advances are summarized in a series of fact sheets designed to build a common base of knowledge and ideas on the themes of youth and integral integration. In this respect, it is important to underline the limits of the exercise, which remains dependent on the progress of work on these subjects.

As far as this summary is concerned, since the concepts of green economy and green jobs are relatively recent, few studies have been carried out to assess their impact on employment. What’s more, most of these studies focus on developed countries. To fill these gaps in the literature, this fact sheet draws heavily on GRET’s experience, particularly in the fields of agriculture, energy and waste management.