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Webinar : Take action and understand climate adaptation!










An event organised by Egis Foundation

What does it mean to be a changemaker in an unprecedented crisis? How can resilience be our guiding force in responding to the challenges of today and tomorrow of the climate crisis? How can students, as well as any other citizens, take action ?

Guillaume Quelin will bring us his expertise as a climate change project manager at NGO GRET. His experience in supporting people in developing countries to achieve a climate transition will enable him to talk about adaptation through the prism of social justice and inequality. He’ll show you that this challenge is not just a technical one, and that it’s above all a matter of communities working together at a local level.

Valeria Horton, Youth Ambassador and Negotiator for the Mexican Delegation at COP27, SB58 and COP28, will discuss how we can all take action in the climate crisis, focusing on individual and collective efforts that catalyze systemic change to minimize, avert and address loss and damage. Valeria will guide us on a journey from idea to action, offering practical steps to turn passion into purpose. The session will provide a blueprint for the youth and anyone ready to become a changemaker to step into new roles and become leaders, bridge-builders, and innovators of climate action.

This session will be introduced and concluded by Charlotte Grouset, head of Egis foundation. She will also guide you through register and developing your project for Team up for the climate challenge.

Register to the webinar

20 February 2024
12 : 30h