07 December 2017
Employment and professional integration Formation professionnelle Training and professional integration Chad

Training on the basic principles of journalism in Chad


On 25 October last, the French Embassy in Chad held a ceremony to mark the end of a training course for French-speaking Chadian journalists, which had been launched in March 2017. This activity aimed at strengthening the French-speaking media in Chad, led by GRET in partnership with the French Embassy and the Media Centre, was one of the actions led by the Priority solidarity fund “French-speaking countries, development and civic issues: better French to strengthen cohesion, civic issues and development”.

In all, 30 trainees (25 men and five women), from the public and private written press, radio and television, benefitted from almost 25 days of training. The training, delivered by three journalist trainers (two Chadians and one French), focused on the basic principles of journalism, with particular emphasis on the principles of ethics and deontology in the profession. Through the exploration of societal subjects such as noise pollution in N’Djamena or the health risks related to street food, the trainees – organised in mini-editorial committees – were able to put what they learnt into practice and work in teams on document searches, interviews and reports in the field. This training course was an opportunity for GRET to observe the extent to which the media sector needs to be strengthened in Chad.


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